
Be Bold

Cross-promotional marketing sounds a bit scary, right? It's not. Basically, it's just about employing multiple marketing strategies at the same time and making it easy for current and potential customers to do business with you. From web sites to business cards, fair booths to tagging, we have some great tips and info for you  in How to Employ Cross-Promotional Marketing by Alysse Dalessandro.

Handmade Holidays: Gifts to Share


Most of us indie folk really feel the tug to give handmade around the holidays. It's not just that we're tired of buying cheap gifts from the big box stores; it's that we want to give something with a little heart and soul in it. Whether you are crafty or not, here are my picks to get you started on a handmade holiday of your own.


Like to buy online? There are places other than Etsy, you know. Check out Miss Malaprop, a site that showcases unique, handmade products for the socially conscious, or The Artisans Collective.

Cyber Monday: Don't Panic

Oh my goodness, Cyber Monday is coming and you haven’t prepared for it at all! What are you going to do?

For those of you not in the know, the Monday after Thanksgiving is now considered the biggest internet shopping day of the year. Cyber Monday is to online shopping as black friday is to the mall, and many indie biz owners hold specials and promos to drive sales that day.

So, right, you haven’t done anything yet. Or maybe you have but are a little stuck on what to do next. Here are my quick tips for setting up and promoting your sale.

Promos and Freebies

Who doesn't love free gifts? Your customers certainly do! Promos and freebies are a great way to tell your customers how much you appreciate them while builder their appreciation for you. But have you ever stopped to think about what your freebies are actually saying about your business? What makes a good promotional item in the first place?

Closed Beta Program Ending November 15

Since July, we've been in Closed Beta. To great indie crafters, photographers, musicians, and specialty retailers we've offered the IndieMade service free for six months. In exchange, our beta testers have given us valuable feedback, found bugs, and made some great suggestions. Our service is better for their efforts.

But now it's time to draw the closed beta program to a close. We'll continue to give out beta codes only until November 15th -- so if you haven't already, you should apply for a code now.
