
Now Seeking: Writers

Writing foxHey there, wordsmiths! IndieMade is currently seeking talented writers who can expound on various indie biz topics for our Resources section. Are you passionate about indie craft, music, or business? Are you deadline-driven? Do you have photography skills? You may qualitfy to write for us!

Social media success

Twitter birdWhat can 140 characters do for your business? A lot, apparently. With the surge of social media and internet-everywhere mobile devices, sites like Twitter and Facebook have become necessary tools for business promotion. Everyone uses them, from huge corporations to tiny indie businesses, from your ideal customer to your grandma.

Photography is everything

Ok, so photography isn't everything, exactly. You still do need a good product, first and foremost, and marketing sure helps, but without good photography you'll have a very tough time selling that product online. And decent photography is more than just point-and-shoot and oh, did I leave the flash on?

We've taken the time to compile some great tips to make photography make sense to you. Check them out, then leave your own photo-taking tricks in the comments.

Packaging: More Tips & Tricks

We've mentioned packaging several times in the past few weeks, and for good reason: It's an integral part of your brand and is therefore a huge influencer in the way customers view you and your products. For those of you who are new to this whole indie biz thing - and for you veterans who could use a little refresher - we have some great tips for branding your packages as well as getting them out the door.

Good Wrapping

Are you offering gift wrapping for purchases made in your shop? Whether you offer it for free or for a fee, gift wrapping is an excellent way to make your customers' lives a little easier during the mad holiday rush. But let's be honest: wrapping and packaging can get expensive! How can you make your gift wrapping cost effective as well as lovely? Below are some ideas to get you started.
