
Don't Be an Infringer

Has someone ever used an image you created without your permission - and never even linked back to you?

Flip it around: How many times have you found that perfect image for your blog post but didn't think it was important to credit the creator?

On the internet, it's easy to feel as though everything is fair game. After all, it isn't like you went into someone's art gallery and snatched a painting off the wall.

Or is it?

Yeah, sometimes it is. Copyright law is a fuzzy sort of thing, but it boils down to this:

The new version of IndieMade is out!

We've been hard at work on the new release of the IndieMade platform, which went live earlier this month.

As you know, we always ask for feedback. Well, you told us what you really wanted out of IndieMade -- what was working well for you, and what wasn't. What features you liked, what features you didn't, and what features you just had to have. We listened, we changed our plans, we worked hard, and now we've delivered:
