Welcome to IndieMade, your go-to platform for creating a unique online presence with ease.

Established in 2010, IndieMade was born from a simple yet powerful vision: to provide creators like you with a user-friendly space on the web. Whether you're an artist, a small business owner, or a digital product innovator, IndieMade is here to support your journey.

At IndieMade, we want to make one thing clear: we are not a marketplace. We're different. We're an independent website builder that empowers you to create your own digital home. We give you the tools and resources to showcase your products or services and connect with your audience. You have full control over marketing, selling, and managing your offerings. IndieMade is all about providing you with the means to build your brand, without intermediaries.

Simplicity and functionality are at the core of IndieMade. Our user-friendly tools and features are designed to make your online journey smooth and efficient. From setting up your online shop to sharing valuable information, we've got you covered. Our platform is tailored to meet the needs of artists, small businesses, and digital creators like you. We understand that you want to focus on your craft and business, not complex eCommerce platforms or unnecessary features. That's why we've honed our offerings to strike the perfect balance between robust functionality and ease of use.

You can count on our dedicated support team. We're a small group of passionate developers who are here to assist you every step of the way. We're not just committed to providing exceptional service; we're committed to your success. Your feedback and feature requests help shape IndieMade, making it even better for everyone in the community.

So, welcome to IndieMade — your digital home for independence, creativity, and growth. We're excited to see the incredible things you'll achieve with your very own website!