How to create a photo gallery on IndieMade

Managing Photo Galleries on IndieMade

Want to show off your products or artwork? Creating and managing photo galleries on IndieMade is easy. Let's dive into the steps:

Creating a Gallery

  1. Log in to your IndieMade site and head over to the Dashboard.
  2. Find "Galleries" in the left-hand menu and give it a click.
  3. Press the "Add Gallery" button at the top right of the "Galleries" page.
  4. Type in a Title and an optional description for your gallery.
  5. Click "Upload Images" next to the "Gallery Images" section.
  6. Select multiple files by holding down the Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac) key and clicking on the files you want.
  7. Click Save, and your gallery is ready to dazzle!

Editing Gallery Images

Want to make changes to the images? Here's how:

  1. Hover over the gallery image thumbnail and click the document icon.
  2. Add or change a description; it's helpful for search engines and screen readers too!
  3. URL: Link your image to something other than the gallery slideshow, if you like.
  4. Open link in a new window? This will launch the URL in a fresh browser tab or window.
  5. Click Save when you're done.

Deleting Gallery Images

Need to remove an image? Just hover over it and click the trash can icon.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

No need to worry about SEO! IndieMade takes care of the meta titles, descriptions, and URLs for you. Just keep them in line with your title and description.

Adding a Menu Link

Want your gallery in the main menu or footer? Here's how:

  1. Click on "Provide a menu link."
  2. Give the Menu Link a title.
  3. Choose the parent link: IndieMade Site Menu or Footer.

You can rearrange these links later in the menu section of the dashboard, for either the main menu or footer.

Gallery Settings

Let's fine-tune the way your gallery looks:

Go to Settings on the Dashboard, and choose "Gallery":

Slideshow: (currently disabled) IndieMade's full-screen mobile-compatible slideshow is your go-to option here.

Gallery Display Style: Pick from IndieMade theme's styles for your gallery thumbnail previews.

Show titles: This displays titles under the gallery thumbnails.

Gallery Description: For multiple galleries, this optional description gives an overview.

Gallery Image Settings: IndieMade takes care of resizing, but you can choose to crop your gallery thumbnail photos to your liking.

Pro Tip: If your gallery images are different shapes and sizes, and you want aligned thumbnails without auto-cropping, pick a gallery display style like Glaze, Ochre, Sultan, or Surreal that uses a masonry layout.

Want some inspiration? Check out these masonry examples: